Diccionario de mitos de América

Diccionario de mitos de América - María García Esperón - El Naranjo
Publisher name: 
El Naranjo
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 680 g

From the Land of Fire to the Great Lakes, from Alaska to the Antilles, along the Andes and following the course of the Amazon River, the myths of America reveal a magical universe full of teachings for our time. From the Spider Grandmother of the Hopis to the white Zamna of the Mayans, this dictionary traces the dreams and legends of the men and women who have lived on American soil since the remote times of origin. Narratives that speak of lightning and hurricanes, of floods and stories of love; of the union of seeds with gods and men, with animals and stars. Ancestral wisdom, from A to Z.


Book: Diccionario de mitos de América

ISBN: 9786078442669