Agustín Basave is a Mexican academic, journalist, and politician. Doctor in Political Science from the University of Oxford, author of several books –Mestizo Mexico (FCE, 1992), El nacionalismo (Nostra, 2006) or Mexicanidad y schizophrenia (Océano, 2011).
He has a PhD in Political Science from the University of Oxford, a Master in Public Administration and Public Policy from Purdue University, United States, and a degree in Administrative Computing Systems from the Technological Institute of Higher Studies in Monterrey. He has been a professor at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), a researcher at the Institute for Social Research at UNAM and founding director of the Department of Political Science at ITESM-CCM; After being invited as a distinguished academic, he was appointed postgraduate director of the Universidad Iberoamericana, and later head of the Office of Liaison and External Relations. He was an editorialist for the newspapers Excelsior and Reforma, he occasionally collaborates in the Nexos magazine and is a columnist for El Universal. He was also a panelist on the Canal Once program "Primer Plano" and on the Monitor "Political Table", with José Gutiérrez Vivó, analyst at FOROtv and W Radio and director and host of the program "¿A le le tiras ... ? " on efektoTV.