Twenty-first day of the ninth month of the eleventh year of the Kan’ei era (September 21, 1634). He wakes up in the Suruga castle, a desolate atmosphere envelops everything, the tension is palpable in the environment. The greatest martial arts masters from all over the country have come to this place to duel.
At the time of the serpent, in the presence of Tadanaga, the great councilor of the province of Suruga, the tournament that is called to become the most important in the history of Japan will begin. Eleven fights will be held in which the participants will fight to the death with real swords, something very rare in times of peace.
When the fight begins, the masters will plunge into an abyss of destruction that will cause rivers of blood and will be remembered for centuries. At midnight, when all is over, the fortress will be empty and silent, inhabited only by the w...read more