Loretta Zaira Cornejo. Clinical psychologist-psychotherapist, collegiate number M-08623. She exercises therapy with children and, especially, with adolescents and their families. She founded the UmayQuipa (Blowing Love) Psychology and Psychotherapy Team in Lima (1977) and UmayQuipa a.e in Madrid (1996). She is the director of the UmayQuipa Team and a specialist in adoptions, permanent foster care and foster care.
Loretta is Antonio's mother and at UmayQuipa she works alongside Horatio, her adopted Spanish hound, her assistant and therapeutic facilitator. She is a group supervisor for the treatment of children, adolescents and adults under a Gestalt and “UmayQuipeño” approach.
She collaborates with centers training therapists and professionals throughout Spain, Peru, Colombia, Mexico and Costa Rica. She is an honorary member of CGP (Centro Gestalico del Perú), member of the AETG (Spanish Association of Gestalt Therapy), of AEPPIA (Spanish Association of Psychoanalytic Therapy) and of the AEHPI Association (Spanish Association of Integrative Humanist Psychotherapy).
She has conducted various training and personal growth workshops and seminars:
The Geisha and Prince Charming
The disparate myths (about male roles)
Rediscovering the goddesses (female mythology)
She directs the AMAE collection of the Editorial Desclée de Brouwer and is the author of the Manual of Infant Gestalt Therapy, Letters to Pedro (manual for a beginning therapist), Manual of Gestalt Therapy applied to adolescents, The Common Space: New contributions to therapy of Gestalt for Children and Adolescents.
She has written the foreword to the books Windows to our children by Violet Oaklander, Editorial Cuatro Vientos; Every child comes with bread under the arm of José Luis Gonzalo, Editorial Desclée de Brouwer; Adoption. A round trip by Alfonso Colodrón, Editorial Desclée de Brouwer.
At the Gema García publishing house, he collaborates with the book Ser Padres Gestalticos and has written in popular popular newspapers and magazines, and in specialized magazines such as Geriátika, Clínica and Grupal Analysis, Quipú magazine (The Confusion of being a Gestalt Therapist), Infanto monographic magazine -Youth of the Gestalt Therapy Association, Journal of Psychiatry and Humanist Psychology.
In Editorial Sentir she has written The journey of the silver cord. Story to understand adoption, permanent foster care and foster care.