Elixir de los dioses

Un recorrido por la medicina tradicional peruana

Elixir de los dioses - Raimon Pla Buxó - Kairós
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 420 g
Soft cover

Elixir of the gods is one of the few books about the traditional medicines of Peru. Halfway between the field work, the photographic study, the essay, the interview and the travel story, the text focuses on the three great cultural and anthropological areas of the country: the coast, the mountains and the jungle.

Through the narration of the actors themselves, the book displays in a very pleasant way, with scientific rigor and anthropological empathy, the testimony of different shamans or healers who use sacred plants - such as ayahuasca or tobacco - to heal ailments of the body and soul.

Their stories provide invaluable testimony about ancestral medicine and offer formulas to generate a conscious use of sacred remedies. Elixir of the Gods is a unique testimony to rapidly changing traditions.


Book: Elixir de los dioses

ISBN: 9788499885681
Precio de lista: $640.00
Descuento: 15%