Carlos Horacio Magis. Born 1926 San Luis, Argentina. Death 1988 Mexico, D.F.
He obtained a master's degree in Literature at the National University of Cuyo, Mendoza and a doctorate in Romance Philology at the Central University of Madrid and a doctorate in Letters at El Colegio de México (colmex). He devoted himself to teaching at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (ffyl) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (unam) and at colmex. He taught courses on Ibero-American Literature, Literary Theory, Phonetics and Phonology, and seminars on Ibero-American Poetry, Stylistics and Text Reading.
Carlos Horacio Magis Otón lived in Mexico for many years. Researcher and critic interested in the culture of Spain and Latin America, he wrote critical essays on contemporary poets such as Octavio Paz's hermetic poetry, in which he analyzes the themes of this author: love, death, time, etc., in his poetry. written from 1935 to 1957. Magis highlights the influence that the socio-historical context has exerted on Paz's poetry.