In literature, the order of the factors irremediably alters the product, a recurring phrase in my writings, a postulate that is flagrantly verified in this anthology, this compilation ordered by the young and wise gaze of Ana Negri, who has brought together several of my essays from new and enlightened way.
Throughout my work, I have been concerned with recovering bodies, that of Malinche, the language or interpreter of Cortés during the conquest of Mexico; that of Santa, the prostitute who is the protagonist of the novel of the same name by Federico Gamboa, sold piecemeal as cow meat was sold in butcher shops; the body of the mutilated in India; that of those murdered and cremated in the extermination camps; that of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, her muses and the Virgin Mary; the martyred body of the saints and the scourged of the nuns; the battered, vexed, shaken body of Don Qui...read more