Editorial Sexto Piso was born in 2002 in Mexico . Their catalog has grown year on year to exceed the figure of two hundred titles published in 2013. Currently one of the most important publishers in Mexico and has a subsidiary in Spain and distribution throughout Latin America. Last year 2012 Publisher celebrated a decade of life , keeping these ten years as an independent editorial and publishing settling as a synonym of quality and rigor. The publisher has six collections : Classics , Fiction, Essay, Realities , and Illustrated Children among which more than 200 titles published spread . The list of authors is eclectic and diverse . Includes the same classics like Henry James , Franz Kafka or Rudyard Kipling that contemporary authors of international stature Etgar Keret as Roberto Calasso and Goran Petrovic , and national and Juan Villoro , Fabrizio Mejía Madrid and more recently Va...read more