Apología de la morada

Apología de la morada -  AA.VV. - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Hard cover

As in previous projects, Arnoldo Kraus and Vicente Rojo invite adventure with words and colors, with verbs and lines. Rojo is not an illustrator, but rather a reader accomplice with Kraus in his eagerness to take stock of the world. The essayist explores essential etymologies and habits, dismantles his arguments one by one and reassembles them with beauty, wisdom and sensitivity, components that are equally the plastic artist's: his is a doll's house where the small rug welcomes us: through its windows, mirrors of the soul, the birds are seen as masters of the air that give us all life; its walls protect and shelter us. They give us identity.

Tiny universes that aspire to decipher the cosmos we inhabit, the fragments that make up this book are an invitation to the most fascinating journey: the one we undertake around ourselves. Kraus writes: «The room as an extension of the bod...read more


Book: Apología de la morada

ISBN: 9786078619481
Precio de lista: $310.00
Descuento: 15%