Slavoj Žižek is a research professor at the Institute of Sociology, Ljubljana and has been a visiting professor, among others, the University of Paris VIII, SUNY-Buffalo, Princeton and New School. Currently he is also director of the Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities at Birkbeck College, London. He was a candidate for the presidency of Slovenia in the first free elections in 1990. The most prolific and Lacanian politician, has rekindled the speculative thought of Hegel and Marx's materialism. His numerous books have been translated into over a dozen languages. Among them we must include in Castilian: they know not what they do. The enjoyment as a political factor (1996), The Ticklish Subject (2001), Who said totalitarianism? Five interventions over evil (use) of a notion (2002), repeat Lenin (2004). In this Editorial, published Risking the impossible. Conversations with Glyn Daly (2005).