Ancient gonzo wisdom is, as the title suggests, a portentous distilled from the whole experience that someone as wonderfully runaway and incisive as Hunter S. Thompson is able to treasure throughout a life plagued with the most far-fetched adventures and battles and more inconceivable triumphs. A lesson of boldness and vitalism, rigor and commitment.
This voluminous selection of interviews with the author of Fear and disgust in Las Vegas offers us a faithful and multifaceted portrait of the father of gonzo journalism (a thousand times imitated, none exceeded or equaled), compulsive drinker, lover of weapons, hedonist drug user, irreverent vassal of the lords of karma and, above all, great writer and survivor of himself. These interviews cover several decades of Thompson's life and touch all topics, from the divine to the human, that one can associate with Dr. Gonzo; These more