Clara Ramas San Miguel is Professor of Philosophy at the Complutense University of Madrid. She holds a European doctorate in Philosophy from the same university, and has dedicated her research work to the work of Karl Marx and her connection with the German philosophical tradition. She has been a researcher in Berlin and Freiburg with figures such as Michael Heinrich, within the illuminating German "New Reading of Marx", or Günter Figal, and a teacher at Spanish, European and Latin American universities. She is the author of articles in specialized journals and contributions to collective publications on authors such as Heidegger, Jünger, von Hofmannsthal, Schmitt, Hegel, Žižek or Butler, and has translated Schmitt and Heinrich into Spanish. She is a member of the «Ibero-American Kant Network: Ethics, Politics and Society» (RIKEPS), she regularly participates in debate forums and writes in the media. She has been a deputy in the Madrid Assembly. Currently, her research is oriented to modern ontology and contemporary thought.