He was born in Tijuana, Baja California, on January 19, 1952. Poet and editor. He studied Information Sciences and Techniques at the uia, a master's degree in Mexican Letters at the uia and unam; he studied Music at the cnm. He has been coordinator of the poetry workshops of the UABC and the uam-a; from the collections Clásicos Americanos (with Héctor Valdés), Libros del Salmón, Series of poetry by Joan Boldó i Climent Editores, series of poetry from Ediciones Toledo, Hotel Ambos Mundos and from the Theory and Practice of Art collection, published by the conaculta. He is a member of the editorial board of El Zaguán, Amerindia, El Cuento, Atonal, Alforja and Revista de Estudios Budistas. Producer and conductor of the program "El Rock y Otras Pistas" on Radio unam. He belonged to the rock group Las Plumas Atómicas and the jazz group Behind the Cosmos (directed by Henry West). Contributor to Cartapacios, Casa del Tiempo, Crónica Dominical, Debats, Dosfilos, Hojas, La Cultura en México, La Gaceta del fce, La Jornada Semanal, Revista de la Universidad de México, Sábado, Tierra Adentro and Trafalgar Square, among others. Fellow of the Mexico-USA Trust for Culture and member of the SNCA since 2001. Carlos Pellicer Ibero-American Fine Arts Poetry Award for Published Work 2017 for La lámpara hacia abajo.