Schülerduden Rechtschreibung Und Wortkunde (Gebunden): Nachschlagen - Regeln Verstehen - Richtig Schreiben

Ortografía de alumno Duden: buscar - entender las reglas - escribir correctamente

Schülerduden Rechtschreibung Und Wortkunde (Gebunden): Nachschlagen - Regeln Verstehen - Richtig Schreiben -  AA.VV. - DUDEN
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Hard cover

360,000 copies sold since ET
The standard spelling work for secondary level I
The best-selling school spelling dictionary in Germany
Based on official spelling rules
With the current vocabulary of the German language that is relevant for the students
With lots of additional information
Look it up and write it correctly with the standard high school dictionary.
- From A to Z: 32,000 keywords, including 800 new entries, including from the language of school and teaching; Many application examples, grammatical information and explanations of meaning
- According to the current official spelling rules
- With colored Duden recommendations for spelling variants
- With info boxes for particularly difficult words and linguistic doubts
- With the most important spelling rules and a chapter on the compulsory curriculum topics more

Category: All >> Languages >> German

Book: Schülerduden Rechtschreibung Und Wortkunde (Gebunden): Nachschlagen - Regeln Verstehen - Richtig Schreiben

ISBN: 9783411051649