Ni sapo, ni princesa

Terror y fascinación por lo femenino

Ni sapo, ni princesa - Cassandra Pereira França - Topía editorial
Publisher name: 
Topía editorial
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

"This book brilliantly illustrates what clinical case work can achieve. Alarmed by B.'s compulsive crying and feminine behaviors, after just under five years, her parents seek an analyst so that, " if there is still time", reverse what seemed to be leading to a feared homosexuality. Naturally, the author's therapeutic project is quite diverse:
Over the course of two years and 300 sessions, she tries to "listen to the phantasmatic singularity" of the boy."
Among the psychoanalytic writings, the clinical case is what most demands from the author: to discern what to extract, from a long work, the relevant material, having a wide knowledge of the theory that bases his interventions and courage to talk about countertransference and the possible interpretative errors to which it arrived.

The book that the reader now holds in their hands brilliantly illustrates what can more


Book: Ni sapo, ni princesa

ISBN: 9789874025708