Breve tratado de la soledad

Breve tratado de la soledad - Mario Satz - Kairós
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

In a concise but intense language, full of evocations of the different spiritual traditions, Mario Satz details the difficulties and obstacles faced by those who – in a tense time like ours – go out into the world to seek their treasure, the soul key of their being. The inner call that marks the beginning of this solitary adventure, however, is not heard by everyone. Some only see in solitude an oppressive circle of dark silences, others a punishment, a negative design. Very few consider it the best occasion to nourish the heart and dare to inquire. Once the journey has begun, the signs appear: from the past, the masters, the sacred texts... Such a journey can be long or short, bumpy or serene, revealing or cryptic. Learning is continuous and, at times, wonderful. Finally, inadvertently, the day comes when the external response appears: this universe has, in addition to its raison d'ê more


Book: Breve tratado de la soledad

ISBN: 9788411210539
Precio de lista: $580.00
Descuento: 15%