Los nombres propios

Los nombres propios - Marta Jiménez Serrano - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 370 g

«With honesty and truth, Marta Jiménez Serrano tells us the path from childhood to early youth. Using an unusual point of view, she penetrates into the intimacy of a mind that reveals to us at different ages the discovery of her world. Precious".
Elvira Lindo

Who is Belaundia Fu? She is Marta's best friend at the age of seven, the invisible friend who stays with her when things don't go well and not even her grandmother is able to comfort her. Belaundia Fu is the sensible, ideal and infallible voice that, in Marta's adolescence, tells her the truths to her face: for example, that this boy, Charlie, doesn't suit her. But when Marta has already turned twenty-two, when she has already graduated, when she is beginning to make the decisions that are going to mark the rest of her life, what is Belaundia Fu still doing there? There she follows her because she is the one who has ...read more


Book: Los nombres propios

ISBN: 9788418342257
Precio de lista: $370.00
Descuento: 15%