Panfletos contra la emoción y el audiovisual

Panfletos contra la emoción y el audiovisual - José Luis Cuerda - Pepitas de calabaza
Publisher name: 
Pepitas de calabaza
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

To attack the proliferation of sentimental pornography on the screens, José Luis Cuerda chooses a format that has been disused because it has been reviled: the pamphlet. That is, an aggressive booklet and, if possible, defamatory.

Published for the first and only time in 1997 in Academia magazine, we present it again accompanied by a complete tele-video-filmography commented by Cuerda himself.

A piece —like the other books published by this publishing house— essential to get to know and get closer to the work of one of the most brilliant creators that old Iberia has produced.


Book: Panfletos contra la emoción y el audiovisual

ISBN: 9788417386696
Precio de lista: $280.00
Descuento: 25%