
Una epopeya

Azucre - Bibiana Candia - Pepitas de calabaza
Publisher name: 
Pepitas de calabaza
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Rustic with flaps

"Azucre is a journey into horror, and told so well that you don't want to leave it."—Juan Tallon

«There are lives whose destiny clearly shows the misery of the human being. They are almost always humble people, so we rarely know of their existence. Luckily, Bibiana Candia has had the success of rescuing from oblivion the history of the Galicians enslaved in Cuba in the 19th century. Behind her beautiful prose, you can hear the voice of all those people who undertook that journey without knowing what awaited them on the other side. More than being read, Azucre is heard.”—Rebeca García Nieto

"Azucre is a text about illusion colliding with disappointment and shattering in the face of distance and its scars, like bridges between the world of yesterday and tomorrow where today is a place in the dark."—Emma Pedreira

Galicia, 1853. The rainiest winter in history has more


Book: Azucre

ISBN: 9788417386825
Precio de lista: $520.00
Descuento: 25%