Ensayos sobre la antropología de Immanuel Kant

Ensayos sobre la antropología de Immanuel Kant -  AA.VV. - ITESO
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Soft cover

The series of reflections gathered in Essays on the Anthropology of Immanuel Kant analyzes the most earthly and empirical part of the German philosopher's work: Anthropology in the pragmatic sense. This work can be interpreted as the guide that Kant offers us for life and, in the words of José Luis Villacañas, as: "the dominion of the human by the human as well as the dominion of the human over the human beast."

The series of reflections gathered in Essays on the Anthropology of Immanuel Kant analyzes the most earthly and empirical part of the German philosopher's work: Anthropology in the pragmatic sense. This work can be interpreted as the guide that Kant offers us for life and, in the words of José Luis Villacañas, as: "the dominion of the human by the human as well as the dominion of the human over the human beast."


Book: Ensayos sobre la antropología de Immanuel Kant

ISBN: 9786074176810
Precio de lista: $250.00
Descuento: 15%