Mexican academic and researcher. Graduate in Law from the Escuela Libre de Derecho, Master in Law from the Universidad Iberoamericana uia and Doctor in Philosophy from the National Autonomous University of Mexico unam. He is a professor and researcher at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes uaa; and professor-tutor in the Master's Degree in Constitutional Law and Amparo at the uia León. Member of the National System of SNI Researchers level II. His lines of research cover: Ibero-American tradition of Human Rights, legal history of Aguascalientes, law and social emancipation in Latin America, theories and practices, legal pluralism and Insurgent Law in Latin America.
He has published three dozen books addressing topics related to law and philosophy. He has collaborated on 38 more and has been coordinator and co-author of 12 others. He has also published around 100 articles, 9 book reviews and 12 prologues.
He has been awarded on various occasions: Alejandro Topete del Valle Award for the book of the year 1983; Aguascalientes Prize for the Development of the Humanities 1993; Rotary Medal for Exemplary Citizen 2011; University Award for Merit in Research 2013, Social Sciences, uaa; National Prize in Legal Research 2014, awarded by anfade; and recognition for work and trajectory in the defense and promotion of Human Rights for the benefit of the people of Aguascalientes, granted by the State Human Rights Commission of the State of Aguascalientes 2014.