Mujeres Profanas

Historia del psicoanálisis infantil

Mujeres Profanas - Virginia Hernández Ricárdez - Navarra
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Since its beginnings, child psychoanalysis has been marked as different. Since its origins, it has carried out certain areas that turned it into a “specialty” and since then it has fought to defend the analytical character of its practice, but, above all, it tries to show that there are no essential differences between the psychoanalysis of children and that of Adults. A demand for legitimacy that insists today and that refers this practice with children to the discourse that precedes it.
Currently there are many works dedicated to the history of psychoanalysis, some works call more to scandal than to reflection, in them a certain disqualification and insidiousness is perceived towards the work of those who dared to investigate in the new field that analysis offered. childish. The truth is that those who have recklessly ventured into this practice continue to ask questions more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: Mujeres Profanas

ISBN: 9786079497323
Precio de lista: $150.00
Descuento: 10%