Flora Süssekind

Flora Süssekind

She holds a PhD in Letters from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Professor of Aesthetics and Theater Theory at the Center for Letters and Arts of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Researcher at the Casa Rui Barbosa Foundation in the area of Philology. She is a renowned literary and cultural critic in Brazil. Author of Tal Brazil, qual romance? (1984), Literatura e Vida Literária (1985), Cinematógrafo de Letras (1987), Papéis Colados (1989), O Brasil não é longe daqui (1990). She is also one of the organizers of the three volumes of Cultura Brasileira Hoje. Dialogues (2018). In Argentina, the Corregidor publishing house has published Splintered Stained Glass (2003). Ediciones mimesis published Cinematógrafo de letras, in translation by Mary Luz Estupiñán.