Dafnis y Cloe

Dafnis y Cloe -  Longo, Jámblico, Tacio - Editorial fontamara
Publisher name: 
Editorial fontamara
Year of publication: 

Two humble herding families pick up an abandoned boy and girl a few years apart, calling them Dafnis and Chloe, and educate them according to their customs. Growing up, these young people fall in love without realizing it. That naive love is reflected in this Greek novel, where the author leaves the adventures of that love in the background to highlight the sentimental vicissitudes of the protagonists.

About this work Juna Valera commented:

“One reason why I liked the novel is the simplicity of its style, where the beauty of convention does not enter at all, since the Greek authors, until the age of decadence, as it is believed that Longo was, left it more difficult to mislead by the conceptual artifices to the use or to the taste of a moment. The reason is also that, despite what many say, that the Greek and Latin authors did not feel or understand Nature as honestly as...read more


Book: Dafnis y Cloe

ISBN: 9786077921172
Precio de lista: $115.00
Descuento: 15%