¿Qué hacer?

¿Qué hacer? - Nikolái Gavrílovich Chernyshevski - Akal
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To do? is a decisive work for Russian culture and history, which tells the story of a woman, Vera Pávlovna Rozálskaya, who flees from the control of her family and an arranged marriage to seek economic independence in a new life. In it, Chernyshevsky repeatedly confronts the reader, who might expect a sweet plot, full of artifices, disconnected from reality and that satisfies the superficial conventions of the time, but who, on the contrary, is led by the author towards the content. social of the novel. The work has inspired both its critics - the case of Dostoyevsky - and his admirers: it is not by chance that Lev Tolstoy borrowed the title for one of his fundamental moral works, just as Lenin himself would later do. And even researchers like Professor Joseph Frank maintain that this and not Marx's Capital is the book that raised awareness for the generation that made the October Rev...read more


Book: ¿Qué hacer?

ISBN: 9788446047711
Precio de lista: $690.00
Descuento: 15%