Adolfo García de la Sienra Guajardo* was born in Monterrey, México, on November 7, 1951. After completing his Bachelor in Philosophy in 1982, García de la Sienra was accepted as advisee by Patrick Suppes at Stanford University, California, where he obtained a PhD in Philosophy in 1986 with a dissertation on the logical foundations of the Labor Theory of Value.
He has been a research fellow at the Institute of Philosophical Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) (1986-1993); research fellow and professor of microeconomics at the Center for Teaching and Research of Economics (CIDE) (1993-1998); research fellow at the Philosophy Institute of the Veracruzana University since 2002, and professor of Microeconomics and Mathematical Economics at the Faculty of Economics of the same university since 1998.
Dr. García de la Sienra has published more than one hundred papers and books in international journals and publishing houses. Beside a book on the logical foundations of the Marxian Theory of Value, and an anthology on the philosophy of religion, both published in the Netherlands, Dr. García de la Sienra has published A Structuralist Theory of Economics in the prestigious house Routledge of London.
His main fields of interest are the philosophy of economics, the philosophy of religion, and Reformational philosophy. He has translated several Reformational books and published in Spanish, with an introduction, Willem Groen van Prinsterer’s Unbelief and Revolution. He has translated also Roy Clouser’s The Myth of Religious Neutrality. He is undoubtedly the most outstanding expert in Reformational philosophy in the Spanish-speaking world.