Serbia under the rule of despot Stefan Lazarevic, early 15th century. The newly built courtyard of the despot's throne in Belgrade is to be furnished with refined pavilions from Dubrovnik, thick feathers from Pest, inextinguishable lamps from Thessaloniki, holy icons from Mount Athos... They will be brought by foot porters, loaded on mules or transported by ships. Only icon-painted saints, about a hundred of them, decide to go to the Serbian capital alone, without anyone's help.
It has long been known that icons can fly and travel, but in this fantastic story by Goran Petrovic, they will also experience many problems - they will be intercepted by Turks, robbers, sea monsters and bad weather. They will be welcomed and adored by the faithful, many will be lost forever, and only one will reach the despot's court, damaged and almost unrecognizable, and not even the despotic more