Alessandro Ferrara

Alessandro Ferrara

Alessandro Ferrara (Trieste , 1953 ) is Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and president of the Italian Association for Political Philosophy . After graduating in philosophy in Italy, his doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley and did postdoctoral research work at the university as well as in Munich and Frankfurt .
Is on the editorial board of several journals philosophical, as Constellations , Philosophy and Social Criticism and The European Journal of Philosophy, as well as the collection New Directions in Critical Theory. He is the author , among other works, Modernity and Authenticity . A Study of the Social and Ethical Thought of Jean -Jacques Rousseau, Justice and Judgment . The Rise and the Prospect of the Judgment Model in Contemporary Political Philosophy and translated into Castilian , Reflective Authenticity . The project of modernity after the linguistic turn and the force of example . Explorations trial paradigm .