The book is part discussed now, as announced by the author, tetralogy of epistolarios Guillermo de Torre (key ultraísmo, vanguard movement figure whose life may be limited to the period from 1919 to 1922): First appeared his edition of the correspondence between tower and Rafael Cansinos Assens (Madrid, 2004).
This volume contains a total of 112 letters in both directions. Possible to follow the evolution of Torre, from its beginnings stuck until it reaches maturity with his first compendium "vanguard European Literature" (1925).
We show a young ambitious, eager to find his place in the literary field of the time, and higher and settled writer who sports an elegant language and boasts friendly wisdom. Both older and residing in different countries (Argentina and Mexico), they remain united by literary issues, as Torre worked for Argentine publishers who published books of Don Alfonso.
We believe that this volume will mark an important step in the study of the historical avant-garde Spanish landmark, but also the Spanish-American literary relations.