Ángel J. Gallego received his doctorate from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and is currently an associate professor in the Department of Spanish Philology at said university and a member of the Center for Theoretical Linguistics. His research has focused on syntactic theory, Spanish grammar, and linguistic variation. He is the main coordinator of the ASinEs (Syntactic Atlas of Spanish) project, which studies the syntactic variation of Spanish geolects. He has published articles in numerous specialized journals, such as Lingua, Probus, Revista Española de Lingüística, Theoretical Linguistics or Verba. He is also the author of the monographs Phase Theory (2010) and Sobre la ellipsis (2011), and has edited the volumes Phases: Developing the Framework (2012), El Movimiento de Constituents (with José M. Brucart, 2012) and 50 Years Later. : Reflections on Chomskys Aspects (with Dennis Ott, 2015). At Akal he has coordinated the book Perspectives on formal syntax.