Antonio Gramsci (Ales, Cagliari 1891 - Rome 1937). It arrived in Turin with a scholarship from the southern postponed Italy, was formed for some years in philology at the university, but during World War began to devote himself exclusively to journalism and especially politics, first in the ranks of socialism and later in communism. Started his activity as editor in 1916, in the weekly socialist section of Torino Il Popolo Grido and Avanti! From 1919 to 1920 is deputy editor of the weekly L'Ordine Nuovo and participates in the movement of the factory councils in Turin. In January 1921 he became one of the founders of the Italian Communist Party, which will be appointed general secretary in 1924. Two years before, he knows what will be his wife, Julia Schucht, on a trip to Moscow as a representative of the Italian party on the executive of the Communist International. I elected to Parliament in April 1924, was arrested in November 1926, coinciding with the ban on all opposition parties by the fascist regime. Is convicted by the Special Court to twenty years in prison. His reflections of those years have gathered in his Prison Notebooks. He died a few days after being released, after a long illness witnessed in his letters from prison.