Antonio Penadés Chust (Valencia, 1970) is a historian, journalist and lawyer. He is the co-author of “Five Views on the Historical Novel” (Evohé). He is the author of the novel “The Man from Sparta” (Edhasa), the essays “The Decline of Athens” (RBA) and “The Deed of Thermopylae” (Gredos) and the travel chronicle “In the Footsteps of Herodotus” (Almuzara). Since 2005 he has directed the Narrative course at the L’Iber Museum. He has received the 2012 Hislibris Honorary Award. He is a contributor to the newspaper El País and the magazines Historia National Geographic and Descubrir el Arte. He is the president of Acción Cívica (, a civil society organisation dedicated to the fight against political corruption and the defence of the humanities.