Doctor in Latin American Studies by UNAM and professor and researcher of the Autonomous Metropolitan University-Iztapalapa since 1974.
Specialist in the cultural and institutional history of Latin America in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, deals with the history of the Church in Mexico in the eighteenth and nineteenth century and Guatemala in the nineteenth century.
Among his latest publications are: Between the voice of God and the call of the fatherland. Religion, identity and citizenship in Mexico, 19th century (2010), Ideology and society in Guadalajara (1788-1853): The Catholic Church and the dispute to define the Mexican nation (2012); as well as the coordination of the books: 1750-1850: The Independence of Mexico in the light of one hundred years. Problems and outcomes of a long tradition (2010); Religion, politics and identity in the Independence of Mexico (2010); and Rethinking Guatemala in the time of Rafael Carrera. The country, the man and the coordinates of his time, Mexico, UAM-I / GEDISA, 2015. Between 2010 and 2016 he has published specialized essays in Mexican History, Novohispana History Studies, Relations Magazine, Historias del INAH Magazine, and Estudios Magazine of the ITAM, as well as chapters in collective works.