Bruce Ackerman is a Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science at Yale and the author of fifteen books that have been enormously influential in the fields of political philosophy, constitutional law, and public policy analysis. His main works include Social Justice in the Liberal State (1980), The Future of Liberal Revolution (1992) and his work on American constitutional history in three volumes We the People (1991, 1998, 2014). His most recent books are The Decline and Fall of the American Republic (2010), Before the Next Attack (2006) and The Failure of the Founding Fathers (2005). The Progressives' Century: Democratic Reform and Constitutional Government in the United States co-edited with S. Skowronek and S. Engel will appear shortly. In addition to his academic activity, the author writes regularly for The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times and has practiced as a lawyer on matters of great public importance. He was a principal witness for President Clinton in his hearing before the Judiciary Committee's Impeachment Hearings of the House of Representatives and was a spokesperson for Al Gore before the Florida Legislature during the 2000 electoral crisis. Professor Ackerman is also a member of the American Law Institute and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has received the degree of Commandeur de la Ordre National du Mérit French. He has also received the American Philosophical Society's Henry Phillips Prize for Lifetime Achievement in Jurisprudence.