He is a doctor in Philosophy and Educational Sciences, a doctor in Theology and a degree in Psychology. His psychoanalytic training was developed at the L ’AMAR Center in Paris and at the Peña Retama Institute of Analytical Psychotherapy in Madrid. At present he is a psychotherapist, emeritus professor at the Faculty of Theology of Granada and vice-director of the master's degree Transcultural Spirituality at the Loyola Andalusia University. He has been president of AIEMPR (International Association for Medical-Psychological and Religious Studies). Since the eighties, he has carried out a didactic analytical psychotherapy task with mental health professionals. His activity in courses and conferences has spanned several Latin American countries for years.
His publications include: Freudian psychoanalysis of religion (1991), Believe after Freud (1992), Theology and psychoanalysis (1994), Psychoanalysis and religion: endless dialogue (Trotta, 2000), The adventure of evangelical celibacy (2000) ), The records of desire (2001), Psychodynamics of the Ignatian Exercises (2003), Christian experience and psychoanalysis (2006), Loves and heartbreak in consecrated life (2014).