He was born in 1980 in Niort (Deux-Sèvres). In 2005, after graduating in Modern Languages and Art History, he became part of the illustrator team of the prestigious satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.
Currently he combines this work with collaborations in various print media with national circulation, such as Libération, Les Echos, Télérama, L'Obs ... His children's books have been published in publishers such as Bayard, Gallimard or Nathan, but it is in the field of the graphic novel where it has garnered the highest praise from critics. In 2008, the Sarbacane publishing house published La Comedia Literaria a particular and hilarious vision of the history of French literature that won him the BD Prize for Le Parisien and Aujourd’hui, and which Impedimenta now makes available to the Spanish reader. It will be followed by Le Pont des arts (Sarbacane), which focuses on the relationships, most of them stormy, between the great names of French literature and painting; Savoir-vivre ou mourir (Les Échappés), a sort of manual of good conduct with a preface by Claire Bretécher; Moderne Olympia (Futuropolis), a musical comedy that is performed in the Musée d'Orsay and La Légèreté (Dargaud), a comic in which he describes how he returned to his career as a cartoonist after the Charlie Hebdo attack.