Professor of Philosophy of Law and founding member of the Institute of Human Rights of the University of Valencia. Was Research Assistant at the European University Institute in Florence and Visiting Fellow at several European and American universities. His research focused mainly in the field of theory and philosophy of law, extends to the field of human rights and feminist legal theory.
Author of democratic legitimacy and judiciary (1997), has coordinated the work the good jurist. Ethics of Right (2013) and the volume of the Center for Constitutional Studies The International Basic Decisions on the massive violations of human rights (with Miguel Revenga, 2015). Some of his publications in journals and compilations are "International Law in the Pure Theory of Law Hans Kelsen" (2002), "The veil and the rights of women" (2005), "Matters of life and death. The ethical dilemmas of abortion "(2006)," Autonomy of women and reproductive rights "(2012)," Can be brought` absolute evil to justice? "(2012)," Liberazione senza autonomy "(2013) and" A tragedy human rights. Violence and Religion "(2013), along with" The realistic utopia of Hans Kelsen "(with Massimo La Torre), introduction to the work of Hans Kelsen Peace Through Law (22008), published in the same Publisher.