Daniel Samoilovich

Daniel Samoilovich

Daniel Samoilovich was born in Buenos Aires in 1949. He has published ten books of poems; among them Illuminated surfaces, Hyperion, Madrid, 1997, Las Encantadas, Tusquets, Barcelona, 2003 and The awakening of Samoilo, Adriana Hidalgo, Buenos Aires, 2005. In 2001, Phi publisher, from Luxembourg, and Des Forges, from Quebec, co-edited a selection of his poems translated into French (La nuit avant de monter a bord). In 2007 he was published in the Shoestring London publishing house Driven by the Wind, an anthology of his poems translated into English. It is, on the other hand, a translator of Latin, French and English. Among others, it has translated into Latin the Latin poet Horacio (XX Odas of Book III, Hyperion, Madrid, 1998) and Shakespeare (Henry IV, Norma, Bogotá, 2003). Since 1986 he directs the quarterly newspaper Diario de Poesía.