Ernst Jünger (Heidelberg 1895-Wilflingen 1998) was shot multiple times in the war of fourteen, whose experience came "Storm of Steel" (1920), Borges considered the only epic book of the century, or "Combat as inner experience" (1922). Subsequently, he studied natural sciences-his passion for entomology dedicated "subtle Fighter" (1967) - and is interested in philosophy at the University of Leipzig.
In 1927 he moved to Berlin, he meets Carl Schmitt, lock relationships with various characters from the Conservative Revolution and publishes "The total mobilization" (1930) and "The Worker" (1932). In 1930 begins his correspondence with Heidegger, dedicating "Beyond the line and other essays."
In 1933 leaves Berlin and rejects the offer of the National Socialists ingresasr in the "Deutsche Akademie der Dichtung" or a seat in the "Reichstag". Then publishes "On Pain" (1934), "African Games" and the novel "Marble Cliffs" (1939), considered an example of inner strength. The second war going on in Paris, as an officer attached to the staff. In 1944 he clandestinely distributed "La Paz", outlined in 1941, it was finally published in Belgium (1945). Dedicated to his eldest son, killed in action after being arrested for conspiracy, there can be read a denunciation of Holocaust and European political construction project after the German defeat necessary. However, you are prohibited from posting in Germany until 1949 After his LSD experiences "Approaches. Drugs and drunkenness" (1950).
In 1950 he was awarded the Peace Medal of the city of Verdun; 1984 F. Mitterrand and Helmut Kohl invite you to the celebrations for the Franco-German reconciliation.
That has continued to grow - a second version of his voluminous collected works, where stand his diaries, "Radiation" appears in 1978.