Eugenio Castro

Eugenio Castro

Eugenio Castro Murga (Toledo-Las Herencias, 1959) is a poet and essayist. He has published H (Pepitas, 2006) and The Bluest Flower in the World (Pepitas, 2011), and the collective books Situation of poetry (by other means) in the light of surrealism (2006), Crisis of exteriority. Criticism of industrial confinement and praise of the outskirts (2013) and Thinking, experiencing exteriority (2018). El Gran Boscoso... es eso (2017) brings together part of his poetic work that until then was unpublished. His most recent book of poems is Eloquence of the buried (2019). Since 1979 he has participated in the dynamics and activities of the International Surrealist Movement and its publications scattered around the world. He is co-founder of the Surrealist Group of Madrid and co-editor of its magazine Salamandra. Surreal intervention. insurgent imagination. Criticism of everyday life.

Among others, he has translated Gherasim Luca, Joyce Mansour, Jan Švankmajer, Ernesto Sampaio, Marqués de Sade, Paul Éluard and, with Isabel Gómez Rodríguez, António José Forte.