Eulàlia Lledó is a doctor in Romance Philology from the University of Barcelona. It is dedicated to the investigation of sexist and androcentric biases in language and literature. Regarding the first, his analyzes on the press, sports, the names of professions and positions, or on dictionaries stand out; on all of them he has published numerous articles and volumes. She is the author, among others, of the books On language, difference and context, The professions from A to Z, or On women and dictionaries. Evolution of the feminine in the 22nd edition of the DRAE.
He has published several books of essays and literary criticism in this editorial, for example, Response to Sister Filotea de la Cruz. The hyperbolic finesse, Dona finestrera, Dona balconera, the prologue to La verge dels set punyals and La veu perversa, by Vernon Lee, or the edition of Terra d’Elles, by Charlotte Gilman.