Hacia una historia literaria integral

Algunas categorías teóricas fundamentales y su aplicación en un esquema panorámico del proceso literario peruano

Hacia una historia literaria integral - Carlos García-Bedoya Zapata - Universidad Veracruzana
Publisher name: 
Universidad Veracruzana
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

In this volume, Carlos García-Bedoya highlights the resonances that exist between categories such as "Polysystem", "Literary Field" and "Contradictory Totality", and based on this he postulates a solid reflection that is situated at the intersection between the historical-social and literary series. This is how the voices of Itamar Even-Zohar and Pierre Bordieu reverberate with those of thinkers of Our America, such as Antônio Candido, Angel Rama and Antonio Cornejo Polar, and serve to underpin an analysis of the Peruvian literary system, characterized by its plural heterogeneity and by its historical process of transculturation.


Book: Hacia una historia literaria integral

ISBN: 9786075029726