Faustino Oncina

Faustino Oncina

Faustino Oncina (Elche, 1960) is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Valencia. Has been a researcher on secondment from 2007 to 2009 at the Institute of Philosophy Centre for Human and Social Sciences CSIC (Madrid) and has edited texts of J. B. Erhard, J. G. Fichte, S. Maimon, F. Schiller, F. W. J. Schelling, H.-G. Gadamer and R. Koselleck. He has published several works on the Enlightenment, deployment and criticism from idealist hermeneutics, but now his work focuses on the conceptual relationships between history and modernity. He is currently principal investigator of the project "Theories and Practice of Conceptual History: A Challenge to Philosophy" and a visiting professor at the Technical University of Berlin.