Gregorio Morán (Oviedo, 1947) has worked in numerous media; At present, he collaborates with La Vanguardia, where he publishes a weekly column called "Untimely Sabbaths." He wrote along with Juan Antonio Bardem the screenplay for Siete días de enero, a film about the Atocha massacre of 1977. And among his works, never exempt from controversy, include: Adolfo Suárez: story of an ambition; Misery and greatness of the Communist Party of Spain 1939-1985; The Spaniards who stopped being: Euskadi, 1937-1981; The master in the wasteland: Ortega y Gasset and the culture of Francoism; Astonishment and search for Rafael Barrett and the most recent El cura y los mandarines. For this editorial he made in 2010 the prologue to the best work of Rafael Barrett, current Moralities. I will never get to Santiago, which together with The Russian Journey of an Ice Cream Maker is his most literary book -without prejudice to his accurate essays- is a text for which in Pepitas we feel a special devotion. Having disappeared many years ago from bookstores even from the old, we offer the reader again this jewel of accurate observation and cultivated bad milk.