Educator and lecturer in various institutions involved in special education since 1972, currently is Professor (EU) of teaching at the University of Barcelona (where he has been Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training) and researcher at the Centre for Research in theories and Practices that Overcome Inequalities (CREA). He was part of the Working Group (Joint Project) Special Education of ATTE (European Trainning Teacher Association), developing their work mainly in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Greece and Spain. Between 1997 and 2001 advised the Education Integration Project in Mexico with support from the Joint Fund for Scientific and Technical Cooperation Mexico-Spain. In 2002 the project was undertaken as an educational program by the Ministry of Education, becoming National Program. Currently he is a researcher INCLUD-ED integrated project, which aims to identify the inclusive and exclusive components of the educational systems of the European Union and its impact on social cohesion. His publications include Necessitats Educatives Specials (Eumo, 1992), classroom scheduling and curricular adaptation (Graó, 1993), Estrategies d'Integració (Rosa Sensat-FPCH, 1995), Special education in comprehensive school (Graó, 1998. sixth revised and expanded in 2005) edition and learning Communities. Transforming Education (Graó, 2002), the latter in collaboration.