He is Professor of Latin Philology at the Complutense University of Madrid and Director of the Epigraphic Archive of Hispania and its journal, Epigraphica Hispania, from the same university. He specializes in literary and epigraphic texts of late antiquity and Vulgar Latin, especially Visigothic well as scientific and technical Latin authors. He is also secretary of the Society of Latino and corresponding academic Studios Royal Academy of Bones Lletres Barcelona. His recent publications include papers written in Visigothic board (s VI-VIII.) (2000), Latine dicitur, uulgo uocant. Aspects of written and spoken grammatical works of Isidore of Seville (2003) language, The Visigothic slates. Between Latin and its disintegration. The language spoken in Hispania, VI-VIII centuries (2004) and The hagiographic literature. Basic assumptions and approach to its manifestations in Visigothic Spain (2007); and in collaboration with Ignacio González Tascon, Roman Hispania Engineering. History and construction techniques (2005).