Jaime D. Parra (Huércal-Overa, Almería, 1952) has a doctorate in philology from the University of Barcelona, the city where he has resided since 1973. He completed his doctoral thesis on Juan-Eduardo Cirlot, of which the poet and its symbols (The Bronze). Especially interested in hermetic traditions, poetic creation and axiology, he has published, in these lines, essay books and anthologies such as La simbología (Montesinos), Mystics and heterodoxos (March), Las poetas de la search (Books of the Unnameable) and Inverse Poetry (InVerso). As a poet, he is the author, among others, of Contrition under the Signs (Delphos), Graphic Poems (La Fábrica / Contemporary Art), Empty Footprints (March Editor), Escolium and Domino Apertures: Integral de Á ma zú lát (both in Insòlit- La Plaquetona). He is currently preparing Poetics of Origin (Huerga y Fierro), Poetics of Chaos (Unnameable) and Poetry under Suspicion (Suspicious Animal). In Fragmenta he has published Keys to Symbology.