He was born in Madrid the year Eddie Cochran died and José Gutiérrez, a vermin known as Pepe el de Fresneda, received 6,000 pesetas from the Livestock Union for introducing him to a pair of wolves that he had hunted in stocks and killed with sticks. Aware from an early age that he would never write a line worth remembering, he devoted himself to journalism. Since then he has worked in newspapers, radio stations and television networks of different coats. It could be defined as a journalist with a long history that has gone through some of the most influential media, such as El País, El Mundo, TVE, RNE, Telemadrid or Soitu.es. In almost all of them he tried to learn something, but he is not sure that he succeeded. He published in 1986 the first biography in Spanish of Bruce Springsteen (Editorial Júcar). Later he has written travel books, such as Uncommon Places or 10,000 kilometers through Africa (Ediciones Desnivel), as well as a study on the Iberian lynx (Lynx Ediciones). He knows the world of television well, and considers it the greatest misfortune that humanity suffers. In constant professional evolution, he is now known above all for his columns and the blog The Decoder, which has become an indisputable reference in the sector within the blogosphere. The Digital Journalism Congress awarded him in 2010, recognizing him for his extensive career as a blogger.