Javier Ramos de los Santos is a journalist, a university expert in Protocol and Institutional Relations, and a travel agent. He is an aspiring tourist guide. With extensive professional experience, he has worked in different media outlets such as Diario 16, 20 minutes or Las Provincias. Passionate about history and travel, he also collaborates for different publications related to these topics, such as Clío Historia, Muy Historia, La Aventura de la Historia, Historia Hoy, Año Cero or the podcast Una noche en el laberinto, on RNE. He currently works as a freelance editor, professional proofreader, copywriter and community manager. As a writer, he is the author of the works Eso no estaba en mi libro de Historia de Roma (2nd edition, 2017) and Eso no estaba en mi libro de Historia del Circo (2019), published with Almuzara; as well as The Tartessos Enigma (co-authored; Actas, 2018), Magical Places in Spain (Guante Blanco, 2018), Sacred Spain (Arcopress, 2020), Cursed History of Rock (Luciérnaga, 2020), Routes through the most curious Spain (Guante Blanco, 2021), Myths, legends and treasures of the Wild West (Modus Operandi, 2021), The history of Roman Hispania in 50 places (Cydonia, 2022), Great enigmas of the past (co-authored; 2022) and Secret History of the United States (Edaf, 2022). He manages the blog lugaresconhistoria.com, with more than 100,000 followers on Facebook.