Javier San Martín (see full Curriculum) has focused both his philosophical training and publications in three areas, phenomenology, philosophy antropologíay Ortega. In phenomenology, said first area, it has striven above all to recover an intention of phenomenology that Husserl being, is far from the usual clichés. This phenomenology is the tool for analyzing the structures of human life, one of which is rationality as the way in which we are open to the world. Thus designed what he calls the "theory of the strong rationality" because there is no compromise in this area.
With that the second area of work is approached designing a philosophical anthropology from which to formulate a philosophy of cultural anthropology, whose structure can be applied to other human sciences, as well as any language on humans. Philosophical anthropology, having behind the phenomenological experience of the world of life as the realm of the ordinary and different, takes the requirement of a philosophical anthropology hermeneutics, which should also incorporate a moral commitment. This structure is designed to frame a philosophy of cultural anthropology, which also underpins the philosophy of the other human sciences.
Third, reading Ortega from phenomenology philosopher discovers in this unfamiliar perspectives from other points of view. From this interpretation it is striving to incorporate it as an instrument of thought to our universities.